Questions About Networking

Questions About Networking

113 Question about Lan Wan & Man

1.   What is a computer network?
Ans. A group of computer that are connected to each other in order to share files and folder is computer network.
2.     What is main reason for using computer network?
Ans. To share the data
3.     What type of data we can send on computer Network?
Ans. We can send test files, images, videos, PDF, files etc. on a computer network.
4.     What is a client server model?
Ans. In client server model a client request to the server and the server respond.
5.     What is peer to peer network?
Ans. In peer to peer network any computer can invite the communication they is no client and no server.
6.     What is a host?
Ans. A server in a network is called host.
7.     What is a client?
Ans. A client is a computer or a software that request for the information.
8.     What is a server?
Ans. A server is a powerful computer that process the client request.
9.     What is a node?
Ans. Any device in a network that can share the data is called node. Ex laptops tablets and phones.
10.   What is a workstation?
Ans. A client in a network is called workstation
11.   What is LAN?
Ans. Local area is used to connect computers with in a building
12.   What is MAN?
Ans. Metropolitan Area is used to connect computers with in a city.
13.   What is WAN?
Ans. Wide area is used to connect computers in a planet or the entire world.
14.   What is range of LAN, MAN, WAN?
Ans. LAN= 1KM
MAN=30-50 KM
WAN>100 KM
15.   Who is more fast LAN, MAN or WAN?
Ans. LAN.
16.   Who has large distance LAN, MAN or WAN?
Ans. WAN.
17.   What is topology?
Ans. The physical structure of computers is called topology.
18.   What is bus topology?
Ans. Bus topology is a network type in where every computer and network device is connected to single cable.
19.   What is ring topology?
Ans. It is called ring topology because it forms a ring as each computer is connected to another computer, with the last one connected to the first. Exactly two neighbor for each device.
20.   What is star topology?
Ans. In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single hub through a cable. This hub is the central node and all others nodes are connected to the central node.
21.   What is mesh topology?
Ans. It is a point-to-point connection to other nodes or devices. Traffic is carried only between two devices or nodes to which it is connected. Mesh has n (n-2)/2 physical channels to link hn devices.
22.   What is tree topology?
Ans. It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to it forming a hierarchy. It is also called hierarchical topology. It should at least have three levels to the hierarchy.
23.   Advantage & Disadvantage of bus topology?
Ans.           Advantages of bus topology
1.  It is cost effective.
2.  Cable required is least compared to other network topology.
Disadvantages of bus topology
1.  Cables fails then whole network fails.
2.  If network traffic is heavy or nodes are more the performance of the network decreases.

24.   Advantage & Disadvantage of star topology?
Ans. Advantages of star topology
1.  Easy to setup and modify.
2.  Only that node is affected which has failed rest of the nodes can work smoothly.
Disadvantages of star topology
1.  Cost of installation is high.
2.  Expensive to use.

25.   Advantage & Disadvantage of ring topology?
Ans. Advantage of ring topology
1.  Transmitting network is not affected by high traffic or by adding more nodes, as only the nodes having tokens can transmit data.
2.  Cheap to install and expand
Disadvantages of ring topology
1.  Troubleshooting is difficult in ring topology.
2.  Adding or deleting the computers disturbs the network activity.
26.   Advantage & Disadvantage of mesh topology?
Ans. Advantages of mesh topology
1.  Fault is diagnosed easily.
2.  Provides security and privacy.
Disadvantages of mesh topology
1.  Installation and configuration is difficult.
2.  Cabling cost is more.
27.   Advantage & Disadvantage of tree topology?
Ans. Advantages of tree topology
1.  Easily managed and maintained
2. Error detection is easily done
Disadvantages of tree topology.
1.  Heavily cabled.
2.  Costly.

28.   In which topology we use hub as central computer?
29.   In which topology we use transmitter at both end?
Ans. BUS
30.   In which topology the message is transfer in form of ring?
31.   Which topology is mainly use in school?
32.   Which is more costly topology among all
33.   What is OSI Model?
Ans. Open system describe how two computers communicate in a network.
34.   When and who developed OSI Model?
Ans. In 1984 by ISO
35.   How many layers in an OSI Model?
Ans. 7
36.   Which is the 1st layer in OSI model
Ans. Physical
37.   Which is the 2nd layer in OSI model
Ans. Data link
38.   Which is the 3rd layer in OSI model
Ans. Network
39.   Which is the 4th layer in OSI model
Ans. Transport
40.   Which is the 5th layer in OSI model
Ans. Session
41.   Which is the 6th layer in OSI model
Ans. Presentation
42.   Which is the 7th layer in OSI model
Ans. Application
43.   Function of Application layer
Ans. It is the top layer. Manipulation of data (information) in various ways is done in this layer. Transferring of files disturbing the results to the user is also done in this layer. Mail services ETC are services provided by application is a layer which is used by web browser

44.   Function of Presentation layer?
Ans. Presentation layer perform by the operating system that convert the high level language into binary also maintain encryption and decryption. Under this condition presentation layer plays a role translator.
45.   Function of Session layer
Ans. Session layer manages conversation between two different applications. It manage the session between source and destination
46.   Function of Transport layer
Ans. It decides if data transmission should be on parallel path or single path.. Transport layer breaks the message (data) into small units so that they are handled more efficiently by the network maintain the packet should reach destination with reliability.
47.   Function of Network layer
Ans. It routes the signal through different channels to the other end. It acts as a network controller. It decides by which route data should take. It divides the outgoing messages into packets and to assemble incoming packets into messages for higher levels.
48.   Function of Data link layer
Ans. Data link layer is responsible for error controlling the encoded data are then passed to physical. Error detection bits are used by the data link on layer. It also corrects the errors. It is also maintain the flow control outgoing messages are assembled into frames.

49.   Function of Physical layer
Ans. It activates, maintain and deactivate the physical connection. It converts the digital bits into electrical signals.
50.   Which layer is use by NIC card?
Ans. Data link
51.   Which layer is used by O.S?
Ans. Presentation
52.   Which layer is used by web browser?
Ans. Application
53.   Which layer perform error control/flow control
Ans. Data link
54.   Which layer deliver the data into packets one by one reliability
Ans. Transport
55.   Name any 5 networking devices
Ans. Hub, Switch, Router, Bridge and Repeater.
56.   What is hub?
Ans. Hub is a networking device that send the packet of data to all devices on works on physical layer
57.   What is switch?
Ans. A switch is a networking device that send the packet of data to the computer that wants the works on data link layer
58.   Difference between hub and switch
Ans. Whenever hub receive a packet, it send the packet to all the computers but switch send the packet to only one computer that wants the packet. Switch works on data link layer & hub works on physical layer
59.   What is bridge?
Ans. Bridge is a networking device that works on data link amplify the signal & send the packet to only that computer that wants the packet
60.   What is repeater?
Ans. Repeater works on physical only regenerate the week signals
61.   Difference between bridge & repeater
Ans. Bridge works on data link layer because it is used for error control but repeater works on physical layer because it only regenerate the signals
62.   What is router?
Ans. The router is a networking device that decide the shortest route between two works on network layer
63.   What is gateway?
Ans. Gateway is used to connect two similar LANs. It works on application layer
64.   On which layer hub works
Ans. Physical
65.   On which layer switch works?
Ans. Data Link
66.   On which layer router works?
Ans. Network
67.   On which layer repeater works?
Ans. Physical
68.   On which layer bridge works?
Ans. Data Link
69.   On which layer gateway works
Ans. Application
70.   What is TCP/IP model?
Ans. Transmission control protocol/Internet Protocol. Rules  for establishing connection between two computers
71.   How many layers are in TCP/IP model?
Ans. 4
72.   Name the layers in TCP/IP model
Ans. Application Layer, Transport layer, Internet protocol, Host to network
73.   What is a protocol?
Ans. Rules for establishing connection is called protocol
74.   What is connectionless & connection oriented
Ans. In connection oriented, before sending actual data connection is established between sender & receiver but in connectionless there is no connection setup between client and server
75.   What is telnet?
Ans. Telecommunication Network. It is used for remote logging
76.   What is ftp?
Ans. File transfer protocol. Rules that describe how a file can be transfer.
77.   What is HTTP?
Ans. Hyper test transfer protocol…Rules that client and server follow for communication
78.   What is HTTPs?
Ans. Secure Hyper Test Transfer Protocol. Secure version of HTTP
79.   What is SMTP?
Ans. Simple mail transfer protocol used for sending mail
80.   What is ARP?
Ans. Address resolution is used for finding mac address with IP address
81.   What is RARP?
Ans. Reverse address resolution protocol. It is used for finding ip address with mac address
82.   What is ICMP?
Ans. Internet control message is used for controlling the message
83.   What is IGMP?
Ans. Internet group message protocol. sending the message to group
84.   What is TCP?
Ans. Transmission control is connection oriented protocol
85.   What is UDP?
Ans. User Data gram protocol. It is connection less protocol
86.   Difference between TCP and UDP
Ans. TCP is more secure than UDP
TCP is slow than UDP
TCP is connection oriented and UDP is connectionless
87.   Which protocol is responsible for remote logging?
Ans. Telnet
88.   What is an IP address?
Ans. IP address is internet protocol is 32 bit unique address which is used for identifying machine on network
89.   What are various classes in IP address?
Ans. 5 classes A, B, C, D, E.
90.   How many bits is in an IP address?
Ans. 32
91.   What is the range of an IP address?
Ans. 0-255
92.   What is the range of class A?
Ans. 0-127(Theory), 1-126(Practical)
93.   What is the range of class B?
Ans. 128-191
94.   What is the range of class C?
Ans. 192-223
95.   What is the range of class D
Ans. 224-239
96.   What is the range of class E
Ans. 240-255
97.   How many net id & host id in class A
Ans. Net id =8
Host id=24
98.   How many net id & host id in class B
Ans. Net id=16
Host id=16

99.   How many net id & host id in class C
Ans. Net id=24
Host id=8
100. What is the use of class D?
Ans. Class D is used for multicasting
101. What is the use of class E?
Ans. Class E reserved for multitasking
102. AN IP address belongs to which class
Ans. Class c
103. An IP address belongs to which class
Ans. Class c
104. What is subnet mask?
Ans. A subnet mask separates the IP address into the network and host addresses.
105. An subnet mask belongs to which class
Ans. Class A
106. An subnet mask belongs to which class
Ans. Class B
107. Which class of IP address use in large business
Ans. Class B
108. What is DHCP?
Ans. Dynamic Host configuration protocol
119. What is the work of DHCP?
Ans. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that enables a server to   automatically assign an IP address to a computer from a defined range of numbers
110. What is subnetting?
Ans. Subnetting is dividing the IP address into small networks
111. What is DNS?
Ans. Domain name Server. It is responsible for converting the  32 bit IP address into human   readable names
112. What is the working of DNS?
Ans. When we firstly type any address in URL, our local dns will look the IP address in its   cache.if it finds the IP address then it return it to the server, otherwise it look to Root DNS
113. When you type, where the DNS firstly look the IP address

Ans. DNS Cache
Questions About Networking Questions About Networking Reviewed by The IK Series on Tuesday, November 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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